LefT 3 dayS..
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ChRiStMas OveR! nEw YEaR cOming :)
ChriStmAs EvE, StR aFter Work... WenT to Get A SHoes For MySelf... waHAha.... My loNg TIme DeSire TO gEt taT shOEs.... FinallY had iT iN my Hand... wahAHa.......
arOUnd 9, Met dERek anD kaT........ GOIng OVer To ORcHaRD To sQEEzE wIT ThE cROwd for a cOUnt Down EVent TO ChRIsTmaS..... aCtuaLLy Theres mOre ppL coMIng... BuT thEY WeRE lAte... :) So THis TuRn oUt To bE we 3 coUnting Down togEthER soMEwheRe iN orchArd.. lolx..... juSt STr AfTer coUnt Down.. woO.. goT pRObLem.... wA... cHRisTmaS mooD All GOne.. lol.. thEN iTs aRounD 2... NO mOre traiN baCk to hOme.. SIgh.... SaD caSe... So NO CHoIce... haD to Stay Up FOr thE laSt of thE niTE... lolx.... We Took NR 2 baCK to WOodLand... sLaCK in WOodlANd RatHER than ORcharD coS iTs nEAr oUr hoMe.. waHahA... lolx.....
tHE nexT daY, WENt tO oRcHArd agaIN... thIS tIMe With my baTch oF frEns... loLx.... waT thE haCK agaIn... sTIll DIdnt DeCide waT tO haVe foR ouR dinnER.......
hmmm IN thE ENd, WenT to CInelEiSUre TO haVe oUR diNNer... wAt we haVE fOR dinner? CaFe caRtel.... DId i SpEll The RIghT woRD... hOPe so.. loLx.... aFter The dinnEr... woo Its 11 plUs... dEcIdeD to SlaCK agaIN..ThIS my 2nD tiME SlaCKing...lolx bUT thIS tiMe dEcided To caTch A mOvie... bUT to Our sUrPriSe, tHE shOW taT we DECIded to watch lEFt fiRst ROw.... WaT thE haCk agaIn.... loLx.... tOO baD.... HaD To dEciDe WheRe to Go AgaIN.. :) leFT K bOx FOR us.. hmm bUT noT all realLy nOe hOw SIng... :) tHen leFt the LaSt chOIce... hoME sweet hoMe.. lolx.. woo.. We alL PRefer taT excepT one... -.- oDD guy... loLX...iN thE enD hE leFT no ChoIce.. To takE Mrt hoMe.. lolx... We haD a scroLL tO daryl CaR... -.- phoNe raNg.... laME SHit... tAt oDd caLL saYing taT Onli Left traIN baCk to WoodLand... Omg... lolx..... -.- tHereS goEs oUR hoME swEEt home...lolx.. bAck iN WooDland.. spEnt 4 hoUrs aT 888 plAza coFFee Shop... talKIng cRap tAt we Think oF.. lolx.... aFter a mOmenT... alL cannOT makE it.. wENt baCk hoME.. lolx.. Woo fiNally Bed iN frONT of My eYe sigHt...lolx.. i lOve it.. :)
aND taTs THe enD of ChrIStmaS mooD.... nOW iS NEw YeaR mOOD.. :)
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CUrSe oF the goLDen FloWer? XD
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My SToRE.......
nTh TO do.....
My pIC wIT A bASIn...[0] comments
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FuN aT cHAlEt tIme....
PEOple In tHE cHAlET.......... ( StiLL goT moRE)
The PlAce We eaT......
So DirtY.....AfTEr EaTing....
Woo.. Big Dinner.. LOlx.... HaVe CHicKen Wings, Stingray, Fish bALl SataY bEe hoon aNd SugaR caNe foR our Dinner.... :) hmmm.. Think OF it MaDe mi hunGry nOw... LOlx... AfTer taT wE WenT baCk oUR chaLEt waTchIng Tv TIll laTe niTe..aROund 1 pLus.. StarTed PlayiNg oUR PoKer gaMe WIt aLCohOl... :) LAst nite We Saw rOasTed pIG everYWhEre IN tHE room.. WIt biG rEd FaCe and JokeRs ArOUnd laUghing FOr thE sakE of Nth... lOLx..... AfTer We hAd oUR peaCefuL slEEp Till THe MoRNing...
We wOke uP At 11 And We LEfT The plAces In sEpaRate Ways....And ReacHed hoME safety....
The ENd FOr thE chAlET tiMe..... :)
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boRed Day
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baCK fRm GenTing TrIp
Wat a View Frm oUr ROom
LeTs Us TaLk fRM thE lst Day oF oUr geNTing TRip to THe laSt day oF oUR trIp.... on thE 3rd OF dec, wE aRRived aT geNTing....wE TooK ouR luNch FIRst beFOre WE wENt to eXplOre tHE wHolE plACe.... ThIs were the thIng wE do In thE firsT day..... shop, viSitinG Ripley believe It oR not, Snow woRld in The nITe and THen rOom Sweet Room.......tAts thE firsT daY oF ouR TRip... At tHE boTTom weRe thoSe ThaT we Took oN the FIrst Day... :)
AmAziNg SUrviVoR
FisH taT weAr sPEct
In THE snOW woRLd
tHE pLaCe we Stay
iTs So COld...BUt WE manAged TO sMile :)
TaTs the Last PIc wE 4 guYS tOOk In tHE fIRSt nIte.. ExcEpt pOOR Xiu..bEiNg lEft oUT SO to take Pic FOR US...LOlx..poOR thiNG... iTs thE 2nd Day OF oUR trip.... We WOke up aT 8 In thE moRning, HaD oUR BreaKfAst aND thEn wE hAd oUR whole Day IN the THemE paRK... FRm mORning 10 am To Nite 10pm. XD.....wAt a daY we Spent In tHE theMe Park. For mi, I had trIed tHE mOST dEvaStAtIng gamE amOng thE reSt oF the gaMe...DO aNyonE daRed TO chalLengE mI? LolX...XD hMM..We hAd fUN iN The THemE paRK, ShoUTing alL KindS oF thIngs oUt loUd...lolx.... aFter ThE whOle thIng, We Are tOO tireD to ThinK oF anytHing tO do iN thE MidnITE...TheN THe bEst THing hapPened, I lOSt mY caMerA!!!!!!!!!!!!! JOking... loLX...JUst a CamEra Pouch..... baD luCk to mI.....:( And TheN We wEnt baCk To oUR roOm wiT 3 pAckEt oF noodLes fOR ouR laST suppER iN geNTing... And ThaTs thE worsT suppEr i eVEn hAD....LoLx.....
pRepArIng To takE oFF
4 blInD mICes
takEn aT the ThemE pARk
TakEn At thE thEMe pARk
TakEN At tHE theME pARk
TakEn aT ThE thEMe paRK
TakEn iN thE nITe RIDe
TakEn iN thE nITe RIDe
TakEn iN thE nITe RIDe
TakEn iN thE nITe RIDe
TakEn iN thE nITe RIDe
TakEn iN thE nITe RIDe
TakEn iN thE nITe RIDe
At a DarK AREa
At a DarK AREa
At a DarK AREa
LaST Pic oF thE daY
So tHaTs oUR 2nd Day iN GeNTing, In The LaSt Day oF GeNtIng, most oF tHE tiME WE wEnt For ShOPPing As Time wEre rUNNing FaSt.... AnD tHEn wE boArdEd The bUS on 3pm......aNd We hAd TO saY good ByE to GeNTing.. So saD.... hAlf Way During THe bUs RIde, We ALighTeD TO havE oUR dinNer... aNd tHEn We Took Some LaSt pic wITh thE buS. And aFter haLF aN hoUR, We reaCHed SingapOre, Our hoMELanD..... AfTer AwHIle I reaCHed hOme....:)
The Bus We TOok
We Took PIc wIth IT
Our LasT piC beFore wE reaCHed SingaPore
TatS aLL foLk!!!!!!!!!!!!
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shadowy Hobbies
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make some sense
best viewed in 1024 X 768 resolution. a brief history about the author pertaining to the theme of shadow of transcendence. it came about in the wee hours of the early morning while being whisked away into memories of the past etched deep within the mind. bittersweetness that tingled the tastebuds of her emotions and feelings, the only way out for true liberation from this reality is what is behind the shadow of transcendence; suicide. the taste of iron-rust blood coiled with the lingering bittersweetness is the only contemplation of which the simplicity of life has to offer in exchange for the shadow of transcendence. made in the heavens through one creator, an angel borne to serve man; fell from where it belonged to earth where its purity shadowed by boredom and nohing better to do.
enjoy what i make out of maturity and childish fantasies.
ancient profile
Yeo Wei Liang aka Raptor87 aka XiaoGuiâ„¢
WOoDlaND pRi & Si LIng Sec, CurrentLY iN RP
raptor_87_2003@hotmail.com (aDD mI)
InItiaL NO.10
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Side Of Mi.....
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ancient shadows
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