Sunday, October 29, 2006

9:44 AM
wAt aN EnCOUNteR...

wAt aN EnCOUNteR...

TOday ITs SuNday nIght, I aM tOo borE aT homE, Tats y dEciDed tO wrIte blOg. As oNe SpeCiaL THIng Had HapPenEd tO mi on SaTuRdAy MidniTe.....SaTurDay, i WenT To wORk wiT kAt In The aFTerNooN.... Its wAs mY fiRst TimE GoiNG to SUntec To woRK in BanQueT agaIn.. AlTHough i Worked thEre fOR moRe thAn 2 yEars buT i aM noT cONsidERed a RegULar. aS I Had StudY to CoP3 iT laSt Few yeaRs. But Most oF thE reGUlar pLaces i caN stILl remeMber.....DUrinG thE wOrk, sTuPid thINgs Happened, Like fOR exaMple, one gaL dROpped The dIShes onTo the Floor, WaT tHe.....lolx.... taT gaL onlI caRry One plate. How diD shE dRopped IT... The caPTain Are reaLLy conFused by iT..lolx....Woo.....iTs a Long daY work, frOm 5pm to 11pm in The Night... After taKIng oUR pay, WalKing alOng thE ciTy haLL exchange......Then My deAr frEn SHoutEd ThaT shE coUld nOT fiND heR hanDPhOne pouCH taT coNtain 40 Bucks Inside.....tHen shE reaLised thAt she hAD Dropped Her handpHone poUch sOmeWHere In tHE Big buIlding..... No cHOice, We hAd to waLk baCk to The buLiding tO sEARch foR thE miSSIng iTEm. lolx...Its waS aLready GOing TO bE 12am MidniTe....Still Worried waS therE stILL anY tRAin Or bus bacK to wOodlAnd. We wALk in a fasT pacE TO thE mRt StatiOn. SuddenLy oNe maN staND aT the enTrancE of THe mRt sTation aSKing whEre arE we Going. We tolD him tHat we Are goIng towArds JurONg easT. He anSwered us baCK thaT nO more traIn service ToWards jURong eaSt. We paniC aWhile... buT the UncLe SUddenLy saId thAt therE waS a Last tRain towaRds WoodlaND onli. wa...wE are Damn Lucky... Haha..... tHen wE reaChed cwP at Around 12.55..... wAt a baD thinG, LasT buS at 12.55. We rUshed down to thE inTerchange anD maNaged To catcH up tHe buS.. waT a RelIeved agaIn..... haha.. wAt an ExCitIng daY I had Wit my deAr fren, cHasIng foR laST traiN anD bus. Then i aCC her baCk to Her bloCK. aS she just A gal... Cant leavE Her Alone iN thE midNite ritE.... Guys RITE? haha.. IF U ARE A GENTLEMAN....XD..... LeavIng her bLOck... iTs alreADy 1.15am. No More buS SERvicE...SadLy, As a Gentleman myselF, I haD to Walk homE. SiGh... tHen thE spECial THing appeAred..Haha... As i Was WalKIng baCK home, IN thE miDway, 2 SexY lAdy siTTIng At thE buS sTop whiStle aT mi... As i Look oVer, onE of tHem aSked Mi to Go over. WithOut aNy 2nd tHOught, i WaVEd at theM and say sORri no..lolx.... Wat a GentlEman i Am agAIn... lolx....tHen i KeEp THinkIng aRe thEy BOth HumanS? lolx. In thE midDle Of MIDnItE saW 2 youNg sexy laDy aT the buS stOP. loLX......wA.... Am i In geYlANg? loLX.... Nop3..i was noT wROng, I am in WoodLAnd...lolx... WoodlaNd alSO Had THis kiND of thIng.. wAt thE... ReachIng home At arOUnd 1.30am, sAw My daD still AwAKe, i APpRoacHed hiM TeLLing hIm waT i Had enCOuntered, He waS aLSo shoCk to Find OUt Too.lolx... So THis iS the ENcounter MAn..lolx...

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::::::::::[Raptor87 Wild Thoughts ]::::::::

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

8:02 AM
Wat a Day

Wat a Day

TodaY gOne baCK tO schOOl fOR LessoN aFteR fEW daYs oF siCkneSS....i Hat3 to be Sick..HonesTly SpeaKing..... noT abLe to ExERcIsE, Use comPuteR anD waTchIng Tv. And The Most saD ThinG is nOT abLe to EaT gOOd FOod.....:( Lolx.. wA..aFter tOday LessOn, sTay Back Wit a bUnch Of FreNs goING to WatCh bBaLL mAtch. RP gALs in tHe FiNaL..... AgAinST Nyp..... DuRIng The Trip To THe SingaPOre SpoRt Hall, We pLAyed Dota aLOng The waY....lolx.. Wat tHe Hell, i aM noT abLe to jOIn in THe FUn..So Sad...lolx..onLi caN sIt baCk And waTCh thE othER plaYing..... aROund 30 mIN oF riDe, We reaChed THe spOrt haLL. wOo, tHis Is tHE 2nD timE i bEen To tAt sPort halL waTchinG bbaLL mAtch. So sAd i duN haVE The chaNCe to SteP iNto THe cOUrt..... :( be4 thE matCh wE wEre GiveN sOme soRt of baLLoonS for cheErinG..... wA.... The whOle aTmoSphEre cHangeD wHen tHE gamE starT..... The gAme MakE thE wHOle CroWd gOIng maD CheEring For thEir wHOle poLy. lolx.... RP wonT losE ouT, wE goT chEer Leader heLpiNG oUT to CHeer Also.. Tats WC.... lolx... pITy hiM...Shout TIll nO VOice....lolx.... At fIRst tHought THe RP teaM are goIng tO lose... But As tHE gaMe cArry ON, RP ManaGed to Pull tHe poinTs AParT to 20 POints. Tat wiLL maKE thE NYp HavINg haRd tiMe to ChaSE bAck THe loSt poinT.... So IN the eND RP galS wOn tHe CompEtitIon...... AfteR The gaMe, wE toOk SOme Group PhOto Wit oUR iDOl, JuLIaNa.......aFter That We weNT foR dinner aT a nEarby Food COurt.... wE taKe a WalK tO anY bUS stOp Nearby tAt caN bRing Us hoM3.. Wat thE.... We WalK fROm paYa LebAr To gEyLang.lolx....hArd to beLieve Rite.... fINally We reaChed OUr bus STop tAt waS neAR gEyLanG LOrOng 18. lOlx.... My FavOUritE stReet... lolx.. Opps...... =D wHAt thE Hack, We waITed FOr halF AN hoUR foR ouR bUS 853. iN tHE end, We Took bUs 13....whAt thE HaCk....0.o Then i ReAcHed hoMe arOUnd 10.30.... Then tAts thE end OF my Day.

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::::::::::[Raptor87 Wild Thoughts ]::::::::

Saturday, October 14, 2006

8:59 AM
i aM baCK

i aM baCK

Wa...ITs b33n aWhile...THis BloG is A HisTory..... Why i chOoSe tO wRIte aGaIn? ITs b3cAuSe i wAn to k33p HappiNess THing As MemorY. WheNeveR i viSIt mY bloG, i wOUld be AbLe to Think BacK tO thE paST i had B3fore. hmmm...Talk AbouT reCently, Sch ReoP3ned NOt loNG aGo onLi.. This IS the 4th wEek OF sCH le..waHAha..... TIm3 paSSed verY faST in SCh. PBL LEarning, Dota AfTer sCH anD watCHing bbaLL maTch. Its lIke i aM in a TIme teLePorter..lolx..... All ThaNKx to My doTa gaNg in Poly... MOst of TIme dOTa le.. dOTa le...lolx.... Now GettiNG USed TO iT le...StayinG baCK afTEr sch For dOTa....lolx... This SemesTer nOt a BaD sTarT To mi..... StArted To miXed oUT wiT fRens foR Talk.... Yea.. My FIrst CE AnD NDA poiNTs.. wA...... More Than Wc anD aNwar LE...lolx.... aLL noOb..lolx.... oPPs...bEtter Dun leT theM see IT....lolx...And Just nOt LOng Ago... Just YEstERday, friDay the 13th, SOmeone sPraINed His aNkle....lolx... Wat th3.....paI seh... =D AbT mY reLatIOnsHip liFe reCEntly, StaRtinG a New LIfe agaIN.... WIt No stResS oR pain aT aLL.... aS i Had GOne tHroUGh be4 THis feW moNThs.... Feel So RelAxe NOw... And No TarGet THis TIme..DUN ChaSE mI To aSK whO i Like thIS tIMe pAL.... Just a sAMe OLd MI... Now aBt tODay.. Why i CHOse To wRite mY blOG ToDay.. COs jUSt caM3 baCk fRom CheE Yang cONdo, Then Had SOmeTHing To WrITe on..... waT a BbQ.... nTh aT all... The mOSt simPle bbq I had Be4..... JUst oNli ChIckEn BreaSt, hOtdog, saTay aNd OtaK.. waT a bbq..But its MeanINgfuL.. wHOl3 daY fUll OF acTivities... FIrstly Play TennIS, Wat a Noob man I, lolx..... SecOndly, SwiMMing Time, THirdLy bBAll Time And Then aT lAst bBQ....wA.. SO ACTIve TodaY, my hanD aRe shIverINg nOW...All THaNKx To sOmeonE. PLay SO badLy IN tENNis... =D ( iNcLUded Mi) hAha.... Bbq Time, AlTHough Not WelL oRGaNiseD, nO onE coMPlaiNed, TatS a gOOD tHIng....:) We HavE a SmalL taLk anD joK3 ToGethER....wA...JJ ClEvEREr Now..lolx. HaRD to TriCK him.... NoT Like Others CaTch NO baLLs at aLL..lolx... K...tAts thE End, lOOking ForwaRd to Monday... m33t up My Poly fREn aGAIn fOR doTA..lolx.. DAily Life....wILL i SEE raY? HOp3fully...lolx..

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::::::::::[Raptor87 Wild Thoughts ]::::::::

shadowy Hobbies

Listening music

shadowy figures

+WaN xIu+
+wAn pIn+
+wEe ChoNG+
+Zhen Xiu+

shadow links

Fantasy square
Fantasy insider
HiddEn sTreeT
DotA PorTaL

shadow counts

sitemeter, blog rater...

make some sense

best viewed in 1024 X 768 resolution. a brief history about the author pertaining to the theme of shadow of transcendence. it came about in the wee hours of the early morning while being whisked away into memories of the past etched deep within the mind. bittersweetness that tingled the tastebuds of her emotions and feelings, the only way out for true liberation from this reality is what is behind the shadow of transcendence; suicide. the taste of iron-rust blood coiled with the lingering bittersweetness is the only contemplation of which the simplicity of life has to offer in exchange for the shadow of transcendence. made in the heavens through one creator, an angel borne to serve man; fell from where it belonged to earth where its purity shadowed by boredom and nohing better to do.

enjoy what i make out of maturity and childish fantasies.

ancient profile

Yeo Wei Liang aka Raptor87 aka XiaoGuiâ„¢




WOoDlaND pRi & Si LIng Sec, CurrentLY iN RP

SiNgaPoreAn (aDD mI)

InItiaL NO.10

ancient photos

Side Of Mi.....

ancient thoughts

To love is to suffer.
To avoid suffering,
one must not love;
but then one suffers from not loving.
Therefore, to love is to suffer,
not to love is to suffer,
to suffer is to suffer.
To be happy is to love;
to be happy then is to suffer,
but suffering makes one unhappy;
therefore to be unhappy one must love or love to suffer or suffer from too much happiness.

ancient chats

ancient shadows

October 2004 ::: November 2004 ::: December 2004 ::: January 2005 ::: February 2005 ::: March 2005 ::: April 2005 ::: May 2005 ::: June 2005 ::: October 2005 ::: November 2005 ::: February 2006 ::: October 2006 ::: December 2006 ::: January 2007 ::: April 2007 ::: September 2007 ::: October 2007 ::: March 2008 ::: April 2008 ::: May 2008 :::

ancient music

When You Look Me In The Eyes - Jonas Brothers

design from SCRATCH







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