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VeSak Day SpeciAl
today Is veSak Day...Wahaha....sO hapPy...No nEEd attEnd SCh...goT Good PoiNT anD baD POint..caN reLax...buT baD pOInt iS MT o Lvl ReaChing..haI.....
TodaY MoRNing 12 am..wEnt TO PaT hoUSe TO oveRnITe tO dye haIR...lolx...Lame..MidnITe dYE haIR...First TiME...We WaIted foR 2 hoURs...tHEn WaSh awaY..To My sUrprIse...MY coLOr So oBvIOUs....sHit...dUNNoe caN tAke ExaM aNOt Next WeeK...lolX....bUT hOped So..... thEn We Nite OFF aRound 3 TO 4...waKed UP aT 7 PLus...FelT aBit dizzy...bUt bO Bian...NEed To gO sENtoSa..haha..paT VIn aND mi lAte agaIN..haha....We TooK Bus 963 To seNtosa... SItted IN THe buS foR 1 Hour Plus....waO...buTtock paIN lIao...haha.......
ReachEd SenTosa aROund 11 pLus lIao...wE wEnt To Find a goOD Spot TO Put Our BElONgings anD tHEn WeNT iNTo tHE sea...haha......POoR xINNi....acTUally Not goINg to JoIN US oNe..buT goT saNbo haha....aNyway....plaYing seaWater aLSo can Be sO fUN fOR us......We alSo toOk aLOt oF pIC therE...LIke tHE oNE beLow.....
This PIc weRe taKEn by Alvin taT time WHose iS Not iNsiDe tHE Pic......In PIc..tHEre iS mi,Pat,vin,hui yi,xinni,wan xiu and Janice.....Tats oUR quan jia fu phoTo In senTosa...haha
Haha aRound 2 pLus...gOt tired anD boRed...wE weNt to cLean up....Its TOok US aRound 1 hour foR all Of uS to BE clean....aFter taT..aLL felT tired anD hUNgry.......wE weNT ouT oF seNtoSa anD tO havE SOME bit be4 We LefT harboRfRont.......IN tHe Bus...whOLe gRoup OF US weRe sLPIng LIke a log beHind THe Bus... In a Short wHile...wE reaCHed wOOdLaNd..and all Must Say goodbye to end This Trip todaY....buT i Enjoy thE wHOLe trip...hehe
AFter todaY...Theres Onli few More daYS Left fOr mI to catCH up MY Chinese Be4 thE exam..hOped IT goeS Well....bYE.
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ExaM ovEr......
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Month Of biRhtday......
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shadowy Hobbies
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Fantasy square
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HiddEn sTreeT
DotA PorTaL
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make some sense
best viewed in 1024 X 768 resolution. a brief history about the author pertaining to the theme of shadow of transcendence. it came about in the wee hours of the early morning while being whisked away into memories of the past etched deep within the mind. bittersweetness that tingled the tastebuds of her emotions and feelings, the only way out for true liberation from this reality is what is behind the shadow of transcendence; suicide. the taste of iron-rust blood coiled with the lingering bittersweetness is the only contemplation of which the simplicity of life has to offer in exchange for the shadow of transcendence. made in the heavens through one creator, an angel borne to serve man; fell from where it belonged to earth where its purity shadowed by boredom and nohing better to do.
enjoy what i make out of maturity and childish fantasies.
ancient profile
Yeo Wei Liang aka Raptor87 aka XiaoGuiâ„¢
WOoDlaND pRi & Si LIng Sec, CurrentLY iN RP
SiNgaPoreAn (aDD mI)
InItiaL NO.10
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Side Of Mi.....
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ancient shadows
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