Saturday, April 30, 2005

10:10 PM


Day RealLy Passed veRy FasT..haI....Saturday agaIn..... Mid Year Exam Start NexT weeK..abIT StreSs agaIN.....

TaLKiNg abT thIS weeK..Nth SpecIal HappEn...ExcePt weD..wE gOT eaRLy disMIss....fiRst tIMe THis Year.....Go hOMe aT 1.30pm..... TheN THursDay FriDay......Got bgb DrILL fOR tOday MasTer ParadE.....

TaLKing abt tOday MaSter ParadE..The TUrnOut reaLLy VerY baD....attEndaNce ONli 3o pLus.....BuT aLL thE unIfOrm TuRnoUT nOT baD....BEsT Boy WaS Budi....aFtEr sO manY disCussiOn...bUT hE maNagEd TO geT iT agAin.....

TaTs aLL fOR thIs weeK ba.....


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::::::::::[Raptor87 Wild Thoughts ]::::::::

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

3:07 PM
Is it fair......?

Is it fair......?

haI... todaY iS TuesdAy..... MornIng weNT scHOOl...caMe baCk HomE arOUnd 4 iN tHE aFterNooN..... ReacH HomE quArrEl wITH My Brother....tHanx TO His CleveR acT..... StupId...UseLess...BraiNLess aDult I eVen Noe....Y.....caN't u USeD uR bRain.... GoT INto FigHT wiTH hiM.. THingS FlyING arOund.... Y..... MY fauLT...Not i StarTed It....Is aLL UR faULt......then WeNT tO Work...leavIng HIM With aLL thE meSS HE did....tHEn aFter wORk...reacHed hOMe...gOT scoLDinG fRm MY Mum....Y...caN't U see WhoSe faUlt.... Is IT wROng To Give aDvicE to PL DoING thE stupid Way...... Hai..reaLLy Hate My life..... Do i haVe tO get tHE Hard scoLDing Frm U EveN IT Isn't MY FAULT.....dO i DeServe alL thIS PuNishmeNT....Fine..frM toNite Onward....i WOuld toUCH tHE FOod U COok...Y.....Y ISn't he geT thE scoLDing.... aLL thIS Started Frm Him...haI..i aLready TryIng to COntrOl mY teMper oN him......bUT somEtimE IT can't be Control u Noe....hai....aLreaDY quITe StreSs IN mY liFe.....haI....School Problem....Work PRoblem.....frEn Problem... Hai.....Y..... thIS haPPen onli On MI......haI...whEnevEr i NEed heLP...wHo caN helP....? eveN mY famIly neVer sPare MI a ThougHT....haI...fiNe.......

aBt This MOnday...whiCh iS yeSterday... PS lEssON wE weNT fOR a movIE togeTher aS a Class....waO...fiRst tiME iN sLSs....We sec 5 GOt early DismISs..... aND aROund 3 pM...thE shOw starT....We watChed cOach Carter...Such a Good SHow...The SHow endEd aroUNd 5.30....2 anD a Half Hour....aiR cON..geTTing coLDer.......wOo...But alTouGh thE shOw coSt Money...buT iTs nice....nV WaSte My TIme and mONey to watch THis Show....

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::::::::::[Raptor87 Wild Thoughts ]::::::::

Sunday, April 24, 2005

12:28 PM
End Of mY Day....

End Of mY Day....

aNoTher WeeK PaSSed......... ToDaY iS sUNday...haI....No pLacE to Go..Stay at hOme RottIng....waO...Sian.....By The waY....This Week MondaY tO friDay.....Nth SpEciaL HapPEn.....haI....wHY...Time PassEd So faSt.....Not Sure To ContINUed Or SurRendEr...Hai...conFUseD mINd....

fRidaY..... SaME thIng wEnt TO scH In tHE mOrNing.....tHEn PE tIMe...Then MT THeN pOA.....BOriNG daY.....haI....bUt stuPid THing haPPen.....haI.....wEnt tHEre aRouNd 11 pLUs...aLL goNE...hai......siaN.....tHeN wenT baCk hoMe SLp.... UNtil aRound 4....WeNT to CC tO plaY bbaLL...jUSt reaCHed TherE...RaiN...waO...bIg anD HOt sUn aLSo caN raIN.....suaY le....aROund 5 PLUs...wEnt To ceNtEr tO Chat......In thE buS alSO chat.....thIS WaS thE fiRst TIme This Year...i chaT wiTH thEm foR so lOng....foR arounD 2 Hours Plus....aFteR taT wEnt To cWp To sETTle Some BIll...aFter Tat...BOring Day....Nth TO dO at Nite..haI......

ComE tO saT....acTUaLLy toDay goT OutinG foR thE bgb...bUt alL the SSgt Did NOt aTTend...haI...aLL sTay aT hoME to ROt INstead..lolx....tHen aRouND 3 pLus...WenT out agaIn....TIll 1 PLus iN the MIdniTe...reaChed Home...Feel So...... duNNoe hOW to Say..bUT frM tat day oNwaRd...MY HearT and MInd Had BEEn So coNfused.....haI.....But Hoped For IT tUrN oUT to Be ThE Best......hai.....

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::::::::::[Raptor87 Wild Thoughts ]::::::::

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

12:16 AM
Funny day!

Funny day!

Today was the funniest week tat i had.......Talking abt this week, Monday....waO.....late agaiN....This Time woRst.... mOrninG weNt To cenTer To eaT...... TheN ReAcH Sch ArouNd 7.50 aM.... SAw kat aNd tHe oTher CouNcilor... tHen YEo coMe Out Frm The offIce....waO kaNa scOld By HIm agaIn...haHa...New Nic k NamE foR mi......MR late cOMer.haha....NicE Nick le........tHen MoNDay SamE tHIng..... AssEMbly...haI....SitteD Until 3 plUs....! hoUr..... ThEn aFter SchooL....WEnT to wORk agaIn....THer3 GoeS MY daY.....

Now TuesDay......TOday waS thE fuNNiesT day I had In The eveNIng...... aCtuaLLy Got Go schOOl One...bUT i wENT baCk Home To plAy coM.... Until 10 am...... WenT oUt agaIn wiTh paT......waO..gO cck TO maKe ez-Linkl caRd..... haHa......On The waY to TakE mRT TraIN...Saw YichElle aND JiaN huI.... haha..Siling Sec HolidaY TOday...haha.....tHen wE boTh weNT to TakE LRT To BP.... wE bOth tOOk Long TIme To Reach There...No chOicE....taKe One RounD....hehe...haI.... Then We Took one BUs bacK to Cwp To waLK......
afTer Tat....I reTUrn HOme To chaNge....WenT to CC afTer Tat.....SaW JasMIne..... alOne SiTTing Outside...weNT iN Play bbaLL...haI...... acTUally No Mood oNe......But sOmeoNe tolD MI to cHeEr uP....LisTen lOr......haha.....aCtuallY nTh fuNNy HapPEn In The BeginniNG......UnTIl Ye FenG and gang camE....haha....Joker Le...wE plaYed 8 matChes IN TotaL.... haHa....Mi aLvin YonG jiaN aND Ye feNg TogethEr aS a TeaM..wE woN 6 matcHes...IN BetweeN thE matCh........ManY Funny THing HapPen..haha....LauGh UNtil Jaw paIN.... Then Too TireD tO CaRry oN.....weNT TO ceNter TO reSt anD have a Drink....oN The Way ThEre...thOUght I loSt My Sim caRd...WenT baCk tO lOOk fOR IT.......waO.... TooK so loNG to LOok It....waO...To My Stupid...i Put It iN MY Home..waO...wanna Kill MYselF..... Then On tHE waY tO LOOk fOR Hui YI...... SomeoNe caLLed.....Go Cwp... Joker.....RunnIng Up aND dOwn BuyIng One caKe..haha.... aFtEr Tat... RetUrn Home....TO zzz...zzz....

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::::::::::[Raptor87 Wild Thoughts ]::::::::

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

11:33 PM
Best Friend 4ever

Best Friend 4ever

This is picture tat we take together on the bus going to orchard during Jan........

In the picture......there is Pat, Mi, Derek, Alvin

Hope our friendship last..

Sorri tat i took so long to post this image...cos no time..hehe.

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::::::::::[Raptor87 Wild Thoughts ]::::::::

9:01 AM
Funny words

Funny words

HiGhLighT TO ReaD thE BElOw MessaGe

OnLI StuPiD PeOpLe wIll HIGhLigHt aND ReaD tHIs mEssaGe.. u nOE Y.....? Cos ThIS meSsaGe Is OnlI MeAnRt To FooL lIke U....waHAHAHA......

So Dun TrY THis At Home...hahA.....

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::::::::::[Raptor87 Wild Thoughts ]::::::::

Saturday, April 16, 2005

7:27 PM


Is SaT agaIn..... TimE paSsed reaLLy faSt...Hai.... mId yeaR aND o LvL MoTher TOnGUe PaPer reaChing....StreSs Le....I neeD hElp! Who caN hElp mi....! haHa...
ThiS weeK MondaY to FridaY..... This Week Nth SpecIal HappEn..... ExcePt I aM laTe fOR 3 days thIs weEk...lolx... TuesdaY Late... THurSdaY LatE..... FridaY latE too..... 3 TimeS a week.... RecORd HolDer ThIs week...lolx... TueSdaY waS thE FunnIesT daY oF mY weEk.haHa....ReaCh ScHooL arOUnd 8.30 Am.... TheN DiD noT RePoRt TO thE oFFice..Got callEd Down By MR YEo agaIN.... Hai.... Mi Pat SiTTing OuTsiDe OffiCe For 1 Hour... Got LecTure Frm everY TeacHer WalKiNG paSs Us.....aFteR a WhiLe..XinnI & gaNg caMe doWn.....lolx..... Wao...tUesDay OffiCe waS sO crOwdeD..... OVeR 10 PL..... Then SITed For aRound 5 HOurs....waO....bUttoCk paIN.... TheN Got qUarrEl agaIN...BGB agaIN....bUT SetTLe By Mr Yeo...haHa....So Ke lIan.... YEO....TueSdaY SO Busy....haha.....

ThURsDay LatE agAin...THiS tIme Diff... OnlI Mi LatE...paT nOT With MI....lolx....oVerSlePt....haI....SLepT unTil 7.30 TheN waKe Up......quIckLy chanGed....reaCheD sChooL arOUnd 8.10.....RepOrt To OffiCe...LuckY Lau,Yeo aND LIm nOT IN...haHa...Luck falL On mi...hehe...... 6 PeriOd Of maThe wiThouT teacHer....FreE pEriod....ThankX MR yeO..haha....EveNIng WenT To 369...... LuckY nO raIN......

FrIday Late aGaIn..haha... Sorry ThiS weEk LikEd To bE laTe...dUNNo Y.... taTs waS yeSterdaY.....Mi Pat wEnt To maC foR BreakFasT...aFter Tat...PlanneD to Do sOMeting...bUt faiLed...haI..... BuT nVm.. ThiS weeK we gOT PRofiT...lolx.... ReacH School ArouND 8am.... Nv MarK aTTendAncE..... 4get It..... thEn PaT weNT homE afTer taT...Mi weNT bacK to Class For SchooL Lesson.... aFtEr scHOOl... MeEt Hui Yi,aLvIn & paT.....pat Late aGaIN..... THis TimE oNe Hour..haI... TOOk a Cab doWn to bIshaN....WalK fOR a aGain....waO.....afTer taT....We WEnT To raFFleS PlacE To eaT agaIN..wahahahaha..... aFter a WhiLE....wE TOOk TraIN BacK To wOODlanD..... acTuaLLy waNtEd To Go paRty WorLd...bUT i aM toO Tired..So reqUestEd Movie....hehe... mIdnITe SHow agaIN.... watCh aRound 1 PLus.... NiTe oFF aROund 2 mIdniTe.....

TheN toDay WaKe UP aRouNd 7 PLus....waO...FirSt TiNg caLLed a PerSon TO waKe up.... calLed aROund 20 calls...fiNally WakE up...BUt iS aLreaDY goINg to reacH 8...haha..BUt sTILL caN mAkE it.... reaChed SchOOL arOUnd 8 plUs....PlaNneD For BB caRe PrograMMe....ThiS projEct Is So ImpT to MI aND YonG Jian....waO....If faiL..ThEre GOes oUr WO raNK...whahaha....hoPed We caN suCCeed...bUT thIs Year waS Diff From all ThE oTher Year....sTress..... But I WouLd taKe stEp By stEp...... aFTer PaRade...haI...Reached HoME..fiRSt tInG....ZZZ....ZZZ...taTs all..

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::::::::::[Raptor87 Wild Thoughts ]::::::::

Saturday, April 09, 2005

11:45 PM
cHaos in silinG

cHaos in silinG

Help..anYone...So faSt pass3d One Week LiaO..Hai..TaTs meaN O lvL ReacHIng SooN..hahA....WaT to Say thIs wEEk le.....Ya...ThIS weeK iS a ChaoS Week For All OF Us....Hai......y....y..CanNOt All Be UniTed aBiT...SaME CCa WAt Rite...hai.....
THis Week We GoT DriLL PRacTisE oN Tues,Wed And FridAy... DuRIng TueS....The DrILL waS FIne...aLL thINGs TurNed OUt sMOoThly...But Wed Diff....GalS STarTed QUaRRelLing...Y....JuST ONLi a SMaLL mAttEr rIte... GoT reaSon NoT to cOme For Drill ThEn Dun cOMe...Dun FOrce UrselF ma....AnD sHOulD ExplaIN aLL THis To tHem..So NTh wILL haPPen......aND onE More...Hai... SO Sorry Tat i ScolDed The Wrong PersON...SOrry.... Then ThURs.. WaS OUR Sch SpoRts Day...haI...SiaN.. MY spEEd NoT gooD EnouGh....Can"t CompEte In 400M reLay....a BUrdeN tO mY FreNS tHEy aLL.bUT nVm..Still GOt ReceIVe TwO slIVer TropHy...hEhE..NOt baD.....BuT aFter THe SPorts Day...ChaOs agaIN....ThiS TIme WaS a PurpOse MattEr... haI......

aFter oNE weeK oF qUarrEllIng...TodaY MOrninG drILL aGAin FOR The Sec 3...aLthoUGh ABit sAd For thEm..ONli 3 GalS anD boYs caN bE in THe Drill DOwn...HopEd U all UndErstaNd...bUT aLL agRee.....TheN aRound 11...WeNT fOR a HaIr Cut...mA faI lE.... 12..... ReaCh NYP (primary)....PrePared For LunCh....SuDDenly Got DriLL ReHearSal...waO...rUSh Up fOR thE drILL.....TodaY vEry sUay.....ShoUtEd 30+ oF coMManD...THroaT paIN AftEr thE wholE thINg..haI...But effOrt pAy...Got Free foOD foR MI..haHa...So sHiok...... aRound 7 pm..... boaRd Up The Bus ReaLLy To Go hoMe....bUT sOMeonE LOst His Bag...haHa...Dunnno Which Fool waN taT baG...haI...PooR thiNG..... ON thE bus...DuRing The Ride..qUarRellING agaIN....waO.....Y....i ThouGHt sUPPose To Be GB ruLEs NOT to ChanGe AnywHEre ExcEPt In The Toilet...PLz...Used UR BraiN bE4 doING aLL thIS....haI....y......GB canNOt haVe PeacE IS It....

bUT HoPEd afTer ThiS Week.....All THiS tHinGs wILL NOt HappEn agaIN.....aNd HoPEd The sENior aNd JUnior WILL ReSpecT eaCh aNOthEr......

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::::::::::[Raptor87 Wild Thoughts ]::::::::

Saturday, April 02, 2005

11:50 PM
oNe WeeK JuSt PassEd.

oNe WeeK JuSt PassEd.

SaTURday AlreaDy...So Fast....BuT i Will UpDate My BLog evEry Sat Frm TodaY ONwarD.....TodaY IS 2nd Of aPril....So FasT apRil aLready..lEft 1 mOnth Plus To O Level MT le....Hai..... So Stress.....
ThiS wEEk JUst gOT RepOrt Slip FRm The FOrm Teacher.....ReSulT vEry De Poor LE....haI....sTill DUNnoe caN coPe anOt.....ChiNese More woRst.......haI.. Frm Now OnwaRd...I haD to WOrk eXtra Hard....leSSon Time WaS sO BoriNg to MI....But i LeaRn evErythIng thE TeacHEr Say......buT hOPed I wiLL ForcUs mORe thIS feW mONths......
ThIS weeK aS Usual....timE taBle cHangEd...But maThs Lesson Still caRRy oN fOR 2 HOurs IN tHe aFternOOn....waO...sO tired....SCh....plz.....Dun TortuRe us LIao...LOLx...Plz LEt Us Go at 1.30.Hai...Opps....WaiT Mrs Lau See iT.....Sure gEt Expelled De....haha..yesTerDay Is friDay..wHIch Mean April fOOl...But Is The FUnniEst Day i eVer Had...haha.. YesTerdaY NO leSSon aT alL...whOle day IN scHool PlayIng..Slping anD taLKing......aFteR taT....wEnt Home For a Bathe aND attEnt Alan BirthDay Treat....SuSHi Time...waO....So fuLL aFter eaTing.....aLthouGh tHE fooD Keep COming IS thE same...buT i Enjoy iT.....So ThaNKx aLan For tHe TreaT......
aFteR eatIng......aroUnd 4 pLus....MeeT paT aND alvIN....WenT to SCh With THem......u nOE y.....AQ Tmr MOrniNG 2 am...HahA GaVe Them MY suPPort....thEn aROund 6...Left Sch TO InterChange To mEet wITh mY seC 5 buDDY.....WenT TO daRyL BIrthdaY cHaLet....To ceLEbRate HIs 18 Years Old BirtHday.....haHa..ReacH thEre arOUnd 8 pLUs....sO tirinG......aNd fuLL.....WhoLe NIte TalKIng...plaYiNG caRds anD sLping......aROund MiDnIte....Daryk aND aLan Is BEinG TorTured.....How haRd alAn Run...We Still Got him...wahahaha....NO escape For HIm.aftEr The wHolE Thing..IS SaBotage TimE.....Whos THe Target...Is mILson Lim....gOT Raped By wHolE gRoup OF uS....hahA....POOr thINg......
BuT thE WHole Nite Just PaSsed...Nite oFF arOUnd 2 pLUS fOR mi...HaRd to slp...NoiSe everYwhEre....bUT mUSt tried.......MOrniNG 9 pLUs WakE UP.....WenT BacK hoME foR a GOod rest....afTer 4 plUS...wEnt TO BisHAn For tHe ClosINg cEreMOny OF AQ....wHen ReachEd tHEre....heard Tat a LOt OF teaM werRe DQ...haI.... Our CompaNY too...buT iTs leaSt OUr OFficer Win....haha..BuT nvM foR thE galS anD boys....aT leaSt They Learn...aND tHeY woULd nOT maKE thE saMe mIStaKe agaIN.....aFter Tat...TakE a Cab Down TO ARPC.....aFteR Tat Mac tiMe.....aFter Tat hoME sWeet Home...Wrting This blog......
One LaSt ThiNG....YesTerDay IS OuR YEP beSt FriEnd RuEben DepaRtUre To caMboDia.... alThoUgh I faILed To See HIM...BuT I Send MY regardS tO Him taT day..haI...So faSt HaD tO saY goodbye To a Best freN ever OnCe......But HOped HIm aLL thE bEst IN hIS TeaChiNG OveR tHEre.....anD maY God BleSS him......

Tats all....hoPEd Tat Next wEEk wILL bE a Better Week For mi...EnroLment Service ReachiNG sooN.

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::::::::::[Raptor87 Wild Thoughts ]::::::::

shadowy Hobbies

Listening music

shadowy figures

+WaN xIu+
+wAn pIn+
+wEe ChoNG+
+Zhen Xiu+

shadow links

Fantasy square
Fantasy insider
HiddEn sTreeT
DotA PorTaL

shadow counts

sitemeter, blog rater...

make some sense

best viewed in 1024 X 768 resolution. a brief history about the author pertaining to the theme of shadow of transcendence. it came about in the wee hours of the early morning while being whisked away into memories of the past etched deep within the mind. bittersweetness that tingled the tastebuds of her emotions and feelings, the only way out for true liberation from this reality is what is behind the shadow of transcendence; suicide. the taste of iron-rust blood coiled with the lingering bittersweetness is the only contemplation of which the simplicity of life has to offer in exchange for the shadow of transcendence. made in the heavens through one creator, an angel borne to serve man; fell from where it belonged to earth where its purity shadowed by boredom and nohing better to do.

enjoy what i make out of maturity and childish fantasies.

ancient profile

Yeo Wei Liang aka Raptor87 aka XiaoGuiâ„¢




WOoDlaND pRi & Si LIng Sec, CurrentLY iN RP

SiNgaPoreAn (aDD mI)

InItiaL NO.10

ancient photos

Side Of Mi.....

ancient thoughts

To love is to suffer.
To avoid suffering,
one must not love;
but then one suffers from not loving.
Therefore, to love is to suffer,
not to love is to suffer,
to suffer is to suffer.
To be happy is to love;
to be happy then is to suffer,
but suffering makes one unhappy;
therefore to be unhappy one must love or love to suffer or suffer from too much happiness.

ancient chats

ancient shadows

October 2004 ::: November 2004 ::: December 2004 ::: January 2005 ::: February 2005 ::: March 2005 ::: April 2005 ::: May 2005 ::: June 2005 ::: October 2005 ::: November 2005 ::: February 2006 ::: October 2006 ::: December 2006 ::: January 2007 ::: April 2007 ::: September 2007 ::: October 2007 ::: March 2008 ::: April 2008 ::: May 2008 :::

ancient music

When You Look Me In The Eyes - Jonas Brothers

design from SCRATCH







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