Saturday, February 19, 2005

6:17 AM
One W33K haVe Pass

One W33K haVe Pass

One Week haD pAssed sO faSt....bUt ThIs wEEk reaLLy a Very haRd For mi....let Mi reCall...On 18 Feb....wAs OUr sCHooL CrOss cOUnTry.....bUt tO mY sUrprIse...i Won...2nd....In B DivIsIOn....haHa...So haPPy....bUT aFt3r The RUn..aRound 8 Plus...bad ThiNG haPPen TaT Nite...hai...I reaLLy DunnOe hOw tO faCe XinnI tHey aLL...i FeLt sO guILTy...fOr BetRaYing MY fRen...haI...i reGrEt...bUt SomE FOrce KeEp Mi Going agaInst The trUst....i cAn'T hElp iT....Hai...sAd Mood...tHen NiTe Time ChEEr HeR up...sHE MaNaGed tO SmiLe.. tOday aFtErnoon..waS oUr YEP pResEntaTIon...aLL thINgS tUrned OuT weLL...Its waS Our LasT MeeTing toGeTheR...FoUnd iT woNdeRful...tHeN caMe baCk woOdlaND foR BBall....haI...bad ThinG haPPen aGain.....No Form...FeLT No COnfIDenc3 At aLL juSt noW..cOS Of StraNge ForcE agaIN...tHen Tmr IS thE daY wE gOIng tO viSIt TERENCe aGaIn....So hOped TaT thINgs wIll Run SmooTh.aNd HoPed taT nexT week wILl Be a BettEr w33k For mi...TO bE CONTINUED.......

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::::::::::[Raptor87 Wild Thoughts ]::::::::

Monday, February 14, 2005

4:39 AM
nEw yeAr OvEr noW vaLentIne....

nEw yeAr OvEr noW vaLentIne....

So faSt New yEaR oVeR.....CollEct QuiTe aLot oF hOng baO....FirSt DAy OF NEw YeaR....wEnt To aH MA hoUse First... ThEn MaLaySia....frIday Then caMe baCk.....BuT ThurSdaY Miss a ChaNcE to ColLEct hOng baO fRom Ex-Sir....haI...So SwaY...lolx......bUT frIday CaMe back...aFteRnooN gO Si PIng HouSe First....Play Cards...Lose 2 dOLLarS...bAd Luck...tHen LesTer hOuse...gO there Slp eaT aNd plaY...aFtEr taT...PeaRLyN hoUse..waO.....MoRe Than One Pl There...lolx....But we StarTed PlayiNG caRds aGain....caN't ExpeCted....wOn lOts oF mONey..wahahaha...tHankX to ThoSe DonaTor..lolx......aFtEr taT UK fUNfaIr...tHen k bOX tILL MIdNite......TakE caB baCk..arOUnd 4am...tHen SaT...WenT oVer To KT hoUse...Diff...wEnt TheRe SEe NBA eaRly Of tHE mORnIng...lolx.....then AftErnOOn.....DarYL hOUse.....pLAy caRds agaIn...Lose MOney...haI...blaME DanIel....Luck oN him.....hAi.....Nite PoweR raNgers The movie tiMe..haha....Stil sMall..NO chOicE..buT niCe......haha......aFteR taT sPenT tiMe taLkinG..then WenT hoME afTer taT....tHen sUNday.....Sir hoUse aGaIN..thIS tiME fuRther..PasiR Ris...wahahaha....WenT thEre See MOvie...afTer taT BBall...thEN dINner at CWP thEn pOOl......tILL toDay.....VaLentIne daY...laN taO huA day...lolx...haha....bUT wiSh u aLL hapPY vaLentiNe.....bye....
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~nOT IN gOOD mOOd~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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::::::::::[Raptor87 Wild Thoughts ]::::::::

Monday, February 07, 2005

8:29 PM
TrIP to MaLaySIa.....

TrIP to MaLaySIa.....

ToDay So faSt Left 1 aND a haLF daY liaO....haha...HoNG bAo dayS....So sOng...lolx...TalKIng abT tOday....This MornINg jUst wRittEn a Blog....aBt Past Few Week....noW Is ABt Today...Onli....waO....tOday....Is tHe wOndErFUl Day foR tHe wHole bUnch OF sec 5 ANd aNDY...We wEnT ToMALAYSIA...WHAHAhaha...TeREnce CaME wiTh US...We haVe a GreaT tIme TogEtHEr...FirsT We WEnt To ciTy SQuaRe For Mac.....tHE frIes Nice bUT quAliTy Sux....haha....bUT CHeaP.....hehe....afTEr Tat....wE WeNt FoR wAlk In CyBer Zone....wahahaha....AftEr tat...We wEnt To HoILday PLaZa For More ShoppIng...caN't ImaGine iT......Just WalKIng pAss Few sHops...whoLE grOup OF US exCepT Tan....wE aLL bUY shoEs....tODay IS shoEs day...AfTER tAT..wE wEnt To sEE gaL...haha...All DickO...cOs goT tEreNce wAt...haha....Then waLK aNd waLK..Just LOOKing For One THing..StIll caNNOt fINd iT....wE heAD baCK to City SqUare aROund 5 pm.....Not EarLY liaO...wAt we seE...We jUSt buy...6 pm.....TiME pAssed reaLLy Fast....tHen wE heaDed BacK tO cuStom..PrepaRing to ReTurn To oUR hoMELand......HAi....Feel SO shE bu DE tErenCe...wE huG and shAke HanD anD saY gOOdbYe to Our Bes buDDy......But We PromiSe hIM wE wouLd cOme MalaYSia To LOOK foR hiM...6.30......TaKE buS reaCh woODlanD cHecKpOInt...nO jaMs.....We aLL reaCh hOME aRound 7 pm......taTas aLL....BUt toDay iS nOT oveR yet.....latEr 9 plUs......ChinAtown.....TaUnt oVer TherE.....taTs all fOR tOday Trip..bye

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::::::::::[Raptor87 Wild Thoughts ]::::::::

Sunday, February 06, 2005

8:53 AM
coUntDowN to neW yEar

coUntDowN to neW yEar

tIme reaLLy Pass.....LefT 2 daYs tO neW yeaRs lIao....gOt hOng Bao TO taKe Liao...lolx....Bleah....buT reaLLy Many ThInGs haPPen...the Last TIme i wRite Is 21 Jan......sO faSt sTuDy One mONth Le...toDay Feel LIke WritinG..Cos at MilSon hOuse.....last SAt DuRing parAde..>Sir reaLLy oPeN Up My maKe mY lIfe hAve a Target...tHIs kInD oF feEling i Do NOt haVe BE4...But iT reaLLy makE MY fIRst thOught....tHen one weeK BY oNe week IT pass......thIS fEw week....nTh haPPen...My lIfe Is siMplE anD happy....bUt SomeTime reAlly FeeL sTreSS....o LVl Not eaSy to Cope with.....but I wIll tRy to cOPe wiTh it..But Must Be aFter New yeaR..Cos busy.....buT i Hope For a ReFresh iN mY lIfe...thEn goOD thINg haPpen Not baD thIng....aND at 5 Of feb..Flag daY...whahahaha...4 hoUrs OF CIP aND $$$.NOT baD Le.....We gOT oUR eFFort paY off..tHEn taT niTE....ReTUrN Of WaIter Yeo....haha..Long Time NV wORk wAitEr lIao...Not Used tO it....woRk fRom 3 to 12..qUite tIRed man.......bUT reaLLy F&N Is Not a easY Job....O.....One MOre thIng....lAst ThUrs.....oPEN HOuse OF SP...haha....First tIme to SP...Big anD Spacious.....Nice enviroNment...haha........But wAntEd to Go aND taKe a LOOk OF SP baSkEtball...bUt nO oNE plaYinG.....tHen arOUnd 4...wEnT baCk hoMe wITh Free T-sHIrt...wahahaha.....sTeaLer....hehe.....theN talKing abT bball...Our Sch woN NorThvIew aND marSiliNg SEc....STroNg le..Our sch...bUT hoPe thEy coULd carry On wInning....Losing iS Not a taTs it...Hope evEryoNE haPPy nEw yeaR....i WIll end here..
~~~~~~~~~i wILL Be Back~~~~~~~06-02-2005~~~~~~~~~~

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::::::::::[Raptor87 Wild Thoughts ]::::::::

shadowy Hobbies

Listening music

shadowy figures

+WaN xIu+
+wAn pIn+
+wEe ChoNG+
+Zhen Xiu+

shadow links

Fantasy square
Fantasy insider
HiddEn sTreeT
DotA PorTaL

shadow counts

sitemeter, blog rater...

make some sense

best viewed in 1024 X 768 resolution. a brief history about the author pertaining to the theme of shadow of transcendence. it came about in the wee hours of the early morning while being whisked away into memories of the past etched deep within the mind. bittersweetness that tingled the tastebuds of her emotions and feelings, the only way out for true liberation from this reality is what is behind the shadow of transcendence; suicide. the taste of iron-rust blood coiled with the lingering bittersweetness is the only contemplation of which the simplicity of life has to offer in exchange for the shadow of transcendence. made in the heavens through one creator, an angel borne to serve man; fell from where it belonged to earth where its purity shadowed by boredom and nohing better to do.

enjoy what i make out of maturity and childish fantasies.

ancient profile

Yeo Wei Liang aka Raptor87 aka XiaoGuiâ„¢




WOoDlaND pRi & Si LIng Sec, CurrentLY iN RP

SiNgaPoreAn (aDD mI)

InItiaL NO.10

ancient photos

Side Of Mi.....

ancient thoughts

To love is to suffer.
To avoid suffering,
one must not love;
but then one suffers from not loving.
Therefore, to love is to suffer,
not to love is to suffer,
to suffer is to suffer.
To be happy is to love;
to be happy then is to suffer,
but suffering makes one unhappy;
therefore to be unhappy one must love or love to suffer or suffer from too much happiness.

ancient chats

ancient shadows

October 2004 ::: November 2004 ::: December 2004 ::: January 2005 ::: February 2005 ::: March 2005 ::: April 2005 ::: May 2005 ::: June 2005 ::: October 2005 ::: November 2005 ::: February 2006 ::: October 2006 ::: December 2006 ::: January 2007 ::: April 2007 ::: September 2007 ::: October 2007 ::: March 2008 ::: April 2008 ::: May 2008 :::

ancient music

When You Look Me In The Eyes - Jonas Brothers

design from SCRATCH







[ o-f ]














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