Tuesday, December 28, 2004

6:38 AM
my LiFe cONtinue Part 3

my LiFe cONtinue Part 3

haI....sO fast gOINg sChooL reOPen lIao...reaLLy daYS reaLLy pAss vEry fast...cOMe baCK fRM pOUk villaGe fOR 1 Week PLus liaO...reaLLy MIss tHE fUN wE Had tOgeTHer...haI...thINkinG oF iT...reAllY In tHIs trIp...i ThinK i reAlly HavE leaRn aBit...But i Dun fEEl iT....Is it My soUL....MayBe i wILL Noe soon oR LatEr....haI....ListeN to thE soNg i WIll rUn to u...ReaLLy maKE mI feel Down anD mEmoraLe....lolx......bUt samE thINg....thIS week After cOMing baCk...ceLebRate cHristMas.....anD PlaYing Bball anD shOPPing...lolx...aNd reaLLy YEstErdaY i aM thE fiRSt tiMe goiNG to HEr hoUse.....NOT saME perSon ar....lolx...The sHE Is...caNNot say.....bUt reaLLy enJoy taT nite....One newSpaPer tHouGht iS wat...chey...lolx...bleh bleh...bUt reaLLy thanKX alOt iF u aRe reaDing...i wiLL nv 4get...hehe.....aND todaY verY swaY......kaNA spIlled wiTh cHIlly...waN laO...sO sway....bUT onE laSt thiNG to aDD on....To mY besT paL thiS yeaR...u NOe whO u aRe...thaNkx fOR the acc....foR thIS year....alThough onLI onE yeaR...hOPed oUr frenShip enD noT nOW buT 4ever....buT reaLly after cOMIng back....i NV reGret thE day i go...So taTs all

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::::::::::[Raptor87 Wild Thoughts ]::::::::

Saturday, December 18, 2004

10:56 PM
baCK fRm YEP trip

baCK fRm YEP trip

fiNally cOMe bacK frM cambodia.....bUT onE thiNg dIFF iS.....She bu dE the PL i havE maDe IN thE trip.haI....anD realLy wanna exTended 1 more wEek baCk cannOt...sO sad.....goT on The fligHT on 10.30 am...thEn reaCh siNgapORe arOUnd 2.....thEn firsT thINg saW paT,aiK seah,cHEE yanG,Ping anD Jie ling....feel diff...Like stranGers to MI...buT reaLLy tiME paSS reaLLy fast..goNNa say gOOd bye to thE pl i makE in THe trip...sO shE bu de..buT reaLLy i reaLLy miSS the Fun....fellowship witH thE pl there.....buT i stILL caN remembEr the excITment wiTH VerkSa...ReakSa...NaraTH anD chioK....haI...nO choiCe wE dUn bElong theRe....nEed to saY good bye to Them... buT in thIs trip...i learn alot......i undErstaND mORe abT god...and i really makE aloT of frenS in The trip.....thE lauGhter duRing the lIfe journal....anD the sONgs we sinG together....."i wiLL run to u"haha......aND the lame jOKes aNd riddle NYP have share....NYP ruLes thE laMer Joke...lolx...bUt luckY laSt day teLL mi all The anS...coME bacK blUFf pl..lolx....anD dUriNG th e tRip..iT lEt mi undErstanD tHE inhuman behaviour OF tHe khMer rouge....thEy alL really cruel...can"t imagiNe thE S-21 torture Chamber....buT it maKE mI feel sicK anD anGry...reaLLy wanna get rid of thoSe...buT reakSa teacH mi aBt 4giveNEss....sO lIfe mUst inClude 4givenss...aS The bible sAy....Last Thing i wiLL reallY miss all OF ya....hoPE tat we coUld still Keep in Touch wiTH eaCh anotHer...aND bE frENs nOT foR awhiLE buT iS 4ever....So tats all

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::::::::::[Raptor87 Wild Thoughts ]::::::::

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

2:44 AM
Life conTinue part 3

Life conTinue part 3

haI...sO tiRed...Life contiNue agaIN...thIS timE i BreaK my RecOrd....2.44 tHen wrIte thIS blOG...lolx....NO cHOice cannOt sLeep sO wRite lor...So faST Wed le...gOIng to Cambodia lIao....sO she bu de...U nOE y...i caNNot See hEr liaO lor foR 2 weekS le...lolx...Dun telL anYone...toDay verY dIFFiCulT tO be a PerSon...MornIng eNG coCk up agaIn...lolx....thIS timE worsT...4Get hoW to Talk...lolx...anD maNY unHappy thIng haPPen....pL quarrel over oNe sMaLL thINgs...hai...No chOice...gaL wat...lolx...afTEr drILL weNt baCk homE foR a reST theN go Buy Thing....coMe bacK paCk wholE hour...doiNg nTh oNli paCk...sIAnn......thEn gO darYL hoUse TO staY......In hIS housE..lIsten tO songs agaIN.....No chOIce nTh to do aGain..roTTing...thEn sms No repLy.....dUNNoe sLEp oR reTarded...lolx...kidding...buT verY the saD le.....laSt day nV smS mi...sobx....tHen i Got onE woRd to teLL U....i aM 100%..lolx..But NvM....reCeive alOT of nICe worD frM frenS.....goOD le...thOSe wHo arE readIng tHis....duN miss mi LE...lolx....by thE way.....thIs trip baCk....i waN to see a chaNge iN my Life...hoPE so...maY goD blEss mi...lolx.....sO byE everYOne..reMembeR to praY for mi anD daryl..goOd luCk in The sec 1 anD 2 drILL....wiSh thEm the Best....gO to My sec 4 buddy alSO...lolx....bye...see u aLL in 2 weeks time!
~~~~wEi lIang aboard Planes at 8.55am~~~~

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::::::::::[Raptor87 Wild Thoughts ]::::::::

shadowy Hobbies

Listening music

shadowy figures

+WaN xIu+
+wAn pIn+
+wEe ChoNG+
+Zhen Xiu+

shadow links

Fantasy square
Fantasy insider
HiddEn sTreeT
DotA PorTaL

shadow counts

sitemeter, blog rater...

make some sense

best viewed in 1024 X 768 resolution. a brief history about the author pertaining to the theme of shadow of transcendence. it came about in the wee hours of the early morning while being whisked away into memories of the past etched deep within the mind. bittersweetness that tingled the tastebuds of her emotions and feelings, the only way out for true liberation from this reality is what is behind the shadow of transcendence; suicide. the taste of iron-rust blood coiled with the lingering bittersweetness is the only contemplation of which the simplicity of life has to offer in exchange for the shadow of transcendence. made in the heavens through one creator, an angel borne to serve man; fell from where it belonged to earth where its purity shadowed by boredom and nohing better to do.

enjoy what i make out of maturity and childish fantasies.

ancient profile

Yeo Wei Liang aka Raptor87 aka XiaoGuiâ„¢




WOoDlaND pRi & Si LIng Sec, CurrentLY iN RP


raptor_87_2003@hotmail.com (aDD mI)

InItiaL NO.10

ancient photos

Side Of Mi.....

ancient thoughts

To love is to suffer.
To avoid suffering,
one must not love;
but then one suffers from not loving.
Therefore, to love is to suffer,
not to love is to suffer,
to suffer is to suffer.
To be happy is to love;
to be happy then is to suffer,
but suffering makes one unhappy;
therefore to be unhappy one must love or love to suffer or suffer from too much happiness.

ancient chats

ancient shadows

October 2004 ::: November 2004 ::: December 2004 ::: January 2005 ::: February 2005 ::: March 2005 ::: April 2005 ::: May 2005 ::: June 2005 ::: October 2005 ::: November 2005 ::: February 2006 ::: October 2006 ::: December 2006 ::: January 2007 ::: April 2007 ::: September 2007 ::: October 2007 ::: March 2008 ::: April 2008 ::: May 2008 :::

ancient music

When You Look Me In The Eyes - Jonas Brothers

design from SCRATCH







[ o-f ]














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