10:51 AM
mY LIfe cOtINue pArt 2.....
hIhi...i aM bacK afTer fEw weeKs...lolx.....cOm spOiL...nO coM to USe...siAn......buT gOIng tO caMboDia lE.....haI....sO sHe bu de sINgapOre...lolx......bUT onLi go For 2 weeKs.....haI...wISh LOnGer..so taT i cAn reLAx ovErsea...In siNgaPOre toO maNY thiNGs Happen duRing oNE week......lAst weEk waS a oUtinG weeK fOR mi maN........fIrsT KelVin Tan chaLet...thEn chEE yaNg oNe......waO...sO tiRing...sTill gOT dRill traINing soMemORe foR tHe seC 1 n 2....lol....fUn lE the TraINing.....caN toRtuRe PL....bUT dUNNoe y My enG coRk Up evErytIMe...lolx.......bUt vEry fUn anD tiRing drILL lOr......thEn YEsTerdAy reaCh hoMe firST thIng bathE...tHEn sLeep lE uNTil todaY 11 am...wao...sO shoIk.....buT taLKinG abT KElviN chaLet....Last day.....we wenT to thE reD housE......oN the waY thEre goT 2 caLLs.......pRivatE no. 7 anD 4....lolx...aLL goT scaRe starTed to run...lolx....thEn saW oNe bIG bLack traSh bag.......fRen saY lIOns...stuPid...lolx.....thEn reaCh thE red hoUSe....aLL starTed runnIng...lolx......so borINg...wanTed to gO in....bUT no One waNTs....hai......aFter KElvIn taN chaLet....chEE yaNG condo....More bORing...nTh to dO ThEre....onLI plaY dai De..siaN....buT laSt fEw dayS manY saD thiNG happEN....gOT a Sms fRom soMeonE....aNd saY shE can't 4gEt...hai.....wheNevEr i listEn a sONGs.....duNNoe y heaRt got Sank...sob....i thiNK is JaY song...oNe oF hIS oLd sonGs.....soB.....bUt i ThinK i wILL nOT gIVe up eaSily...uNless whEn i cOMe baCk frOM my tRIP thIngs happen....sO everYOne i wILL uPDate my Blog wheN i coMe baCk fRm....taT couNtries.....woo.....lOOking fORward le......lolx
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::::::::::[Raptor87 Wild Thoughts ]::::::::
9:33 AM
my life contiNUe!!!!
mY liFe cONtINue......is alReadY sO loNg i UpdaTe mY blOG....sO tOday fRee....Update....paSt fEw daYs....i aM so Busy....gOIng foR mEEting On moNday fOR the cAMboDia trIP...sO siAN.....NEEd to LeaVe sINapOre fOR 2 weeK.....weD gO take Jab...twO jab le.....NoT paIN le...dUnnOE y......buT cOMe baCk ShoULder paIn.......lolx......tHeN yeSterdaY nV woRk agaIn...gO pLay bbaLL......sCore QuitE aLOt...lolx....bUT comE BAck Too laTe liaO......tHen niTe tiME oNe gaL asK Mi oNE quEstIon...i ReaLLy DUnnOE hOW to aNs....lolx....sO hoW.....i aM reaLLy bluRR....buT i thINk i wILL coNsidEr lor...lolx..>Today fRiday...JUst cOMe bacK foR soMe haRd bball Game....lolx....FreN loSt hIS waLLet....lolx...SO sway.........lolx.Pity On him....buT i HopE tat One kINd soUl wiLL retUrn IT baCK for hiM.....sO neXt TIme i cONtiNue MY stoRy...lolx....bYe...
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::::::::::[Raptor87 Wild Thoughts ]::::::::
12:41 PM
mooDy Temper
haI....waKe uP at 11 am TodaY....cOMe FRen hoUSe toDay tO wrIte a BloG FirsT......YestErday i aM so MoodY......fRm afTernOOn tIll arOunD 9 pm.....haI....DUnnoE wAt hAppEN....>juSt GoiNG tO woRk aT 5 Plus.....thEn uNcLe tOLd Mi to LEt IN mY tRoLley...aS noT enOugH tRoLLey.....waT to DO..havE To lEt In.....aS uNCle tHOugHt taT onLi 2 gUys woRking...sO hE tOLD uS to LEt in.....bUT nO chOIce He's The bOss....LEt in LOr....buT aFter Let iN.....fRens stArted BlamIng mI....wAT dUN waN to wORk anYmorE...sHoW teMper aT MI...attiTude waLk awAy JusT LikE nOboDy bUsinEss.....Pl wILL haVe a LimiT TemPer iN hiMseLF....So wAt i Fed UP.......aND staRted ScoldIng...bUT aFteR sCoLdIng....i FeLt MOODy.....i shouLd nOT haVe sHow mY tEmper....buT In mY mINd...i hAve Been ThinKIng.....iS iT i aM tOO eaSy- goiNG...aNd caN bEEN uSe aDvaNTage oF...? But SomEtIme i DId nOT scolD anyoNe...iS coS i hiD insidE my heaRt......No tO thRow ouT...aS i Noe i woUld hURt soMEone feelINg....buT someTime i caNNot conTRol anYmoRE...aS pL say...temper iS haRd to ContrOl....haI......taT whOle nIte i sO mooDy....buT duNoe y...eVeryTiME gEttinG mOOdy i LOOk foR soMEone.....i THink taT fREn coUld chEEr mI uP.......sO i retURn TO HElp oUT mY frEn.....aND thEy Got pAy....lolx....They LOok haPPy aFter No saLes iN thE eaRly paRT oF thE woRk....haI........
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::::::::::[Raptor87 Wild Thoughts ]::::::::
shadowy Hobbies
Listening music
shadowy figures
+WaN xIu+
+wAn pIn+
+wEe ChoNG+
+Zhen Xiu+
shadow links
Fantasy square
Fantasy insider
HiddEn sTreeT
DotA PorTaL
shadow counts
sitemeter, blog rater...
make some sense
best viewed in 1024 X 768 resolution. a brief history about the author pertaining to the theme of
shadow of transcendence. it came about in the wee hours of the early morning while being whisked away into
memories of the past etched deep within the mind. bittersweetness that tingled the tastebuds of her emotions and feelings,
the only way out for true liberation from this reality is what is behind the shadow of transcendence; suicide. the
taste of iron-rust blood coiled with the lingering bittersweetness is the only contemplation of which the simplicity of life
has to offer in exchange for the shadow of transcendence. made in the heavens through one creator, an angel borne to
serve man; fell from where it belonged to earth where its purity shadowed by boredom and nohing better to do.
enjoy what i make out of maturity and childish fantasies.