6:38 PM
bAd MOrnINg......
sHit....BoDy sHivEring In coLd aNd weaK aT 7 pLus am....sO tiRing....Hai...nO chOice Had To gO fOr a joB InterviEw wIth On3 oF mY frEn.....ReAcH iNTerChaNGe aT 8 Plus....fRen StiLL nOT th3rE...waITed For quIte a wHile....BoRing...JusT abt gOIng tO oN board tHe buS.....HeaRd tHe jOb wAs tOo HarSh...GivE up....gO fOR BreAkFasT....tHeN gO fRen hoUSe tO WriTe a BloG..lolx.....TiME iS abt 11 am..lolx....lAtEr waTcHIng whIte ChiCk...OuT-daTed moviE agAin...haI...No cHoicE....fOLloW aLonG.....buT yeStErdaY So fUnNy..thE sHow....ShaRk TaLes....lolx.....LamE...MovIe....lolx..>wAtch Till 10 PLus...tAt nIte...theN u Noe wAt...mI sO lUCkY....thinG haPPen AftEr thE movIe...shhhh...LOlz....CaNNot tEll...lolx........haI...But HappY meMory Onli fOR a WhiLe...tOday Work aGaiN.....sALes agaIn..sO boRing.....nO choICe...No Job For mI....i aM bRokE.......GoT tO sLEep strEEt Liao....lolx...hope toDay SaLes Not baD...aS mORninG IS so BoRing For mi........gOod lUcK fOR my FreN toDay...For THeiR pErfoRmance....!
+++++BAI^YING ROX++++++
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::::::::::[Raptor87 Wild Thoughts ]::::::::
4:42 PM
BoRing aNd RottIng dAys foR mi
haI.....sO fAst SunDay alReaDy.....paSS n lVl daYS gOIng to Been 1 mOnths...alReady.....tImeS pAssed reAllY FasT...lolx....grOwing OLd evEryDay...TodaY...Nth tO dO...waKe uP at 1 pm In thE afTernOOn....sO tiriNg....roTTing.....lolx......sO sIan....at hOme...But lUcky Nvm....fRens Jio mI oUT..yIpEE.....gO wAtch Shark TalEs..bUT sTarTed aT 7 Pm...haI....toRtUre man....jUst cAn ONli Sleep anD lEt thE tiMe paSS to 7...lolx....yesTErdaY wORking....IS a HeLL fOR mi....Got tWo iRRitaTing feLLow wORk wiTh mi....MIlk boTTLe aND HiPPo...sO faI...Le TaT aNImaL..Keep boTherIng MI....bUT sHe saY gOT tHiNG to tELL mi...buT keEp mi wAitIng....haI...idIot.....jUSt dUN waN to teLL mi...waT to Do...caN onlI waIT anD beg tO HEr to TelL mi...lolx.....waO...fiRst tIme beG to a HiPPo...lolx....bUt YestERdaY tOP sALes.....LucKY fOR mI..lolx.......maNy THinG haPpen iN mY lIFe thIS Year.....bUT luCky tIme heLp mi To lEt iT paSS....lolx...HoPE taT i WILL nOt <<<>>>loLx
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::::::::::[Raptor87 Wild Thoughts ]::::::::
11:05 PM
My haPPy moMent
lAst nIte....fInally beGin to woRk...afTer sO manY days.....But today woRking iS the beSt timE foR mi....a gaL caLL mi anD encourage mI....lolx....i Too Reply bacK tO her....lolx...todaY sO fun......sEll wiTh my beSt fren...joe....sO funny Last nite...First blocK alReady 80 Plus liAo.....wao.....lolx...Not lIke soMeoNe...oNli 10 doLLar plus after 5 BlOCk...lolx...bUt i stilL encouragE HEr....lolx.......aROund 9 plus..i caLled hEr thIS time....sHE saY hEr saLes imPRove...reACh 100.....sHE asK mi iF i sTill Got continUe seLLinG....sAme as her...i sTop...anD sIt in a cofFee sHop eaTing wiTH joe....jOe Is so faI tat Nite....kEEp naggiNG hungRy aNd waNtEd to lOOk fOR a coFFee sHop...No cHoiCe i let him..lolx......afTer the woRk...aroUnd 10 plus....i taT gaL anD joe wEnt taKe bus...She toLd mi sHE goIng home......i tOlD heR i goiNg jOe grandmA housE.....lolx....sHE walK anD rUN away....buT theN sitTinG in The buS....i sMS hEr....shE repLy...lolx......wE chaTTing fOR a whIle...unTil i reacHed home....sHe weNt to Sleep...hai..no CHoice wHo teLL heR she goT scH the neXt day...So poOR thiNG...lolx...bUT i wiLL remembEr thIs day iN mY hearT...lol.x
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::::::::::[Raptor87 Wild Thoughts ]::::::::
7:48 PM
ChaleT tIme
chaLeT time Is oVer........bUT maNY tHing hAppen In tHe chalet.....lolx......thInkinG oF it mAke mi feeL fUNNy aNd happy....fIrSt daY oF the chalEt....wE reacHed There arOUnd 2 PLus iN thE afTernoon....we UnpaCk aND play blacK JacK...i lOSe 10 doLLor...so saD..i wILL NV 4gEt...bUT nvM.....nIte tiMe i wIn baCk....But niTe tiMe iS the scAry ParT foR us.....MY frEn saW diRty thIng iN the Room..wE feLt scAred IN the NIte.....bUt i did't bOtheR...i aND joE wEnt up to sLeep....lolx......NTh haPPen taT nite...whOle gRoup OF uS sLeepINg soundlY....sEcond day...mAny thIng hapPen......lolx...aFternOOn 3 FrenS came....Bbq bEgin...thIS bbq IS the Worse oNe i havE eVen tRY....alL the Food sux.....lolx....No cHoice dUNnoE hoW to bbq.....crab mEat sux the Most...so hoRRible......thInking Of iT wAnTed to vOMit....buT nite TIme iS the beSt paRT...MY besT frEn goT steaD lIao le....wewe...lolx....sO faSt...onlI 3 dayS....steaD Liao....lolx....bUT hE sO swAy.....gOT seen bY freNs....OF a nAked boDy...lolx....two joe joes anD onE joEy...lolx....sO fuNNy taT tiMe...10 plUs....we Went To SlEEp.....i kaNa sqeeze WhilE slEEpinG...anD beIng tortuRed withoUT blankeT...sO coLD aT nite.......nO peacE foR mi taT time...lolx.......3rd Day in thE moRNing...wholE gRoup wake up anD pacK up.....w3 4get To drINk the alcOhol wE brought.....a empty sTomach..dRinkIng alcohol...makE mi feEl Sick anD drowsy....lolx.....gO HoMe oNe thiNg....Sleep uNTil 5 pm..waKed up haVe a niCe dinner...aNd falL back to sleep...buT i hAve a Fun tiME in thE chalet...lolx....duRIng thE parT wheN naked Body Was bEing seen...lolx..
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::::::::::[Raptor87 Wild Thoughts ]::::::::
11:28 PM
Does frEnsHip exist?
Hai....tOday iS thURsDay....me.....zHong anD YonG gO fOR a jOb tRaINing....iS waS arOUnd 9 am iN the mORning we reached th3re.....wE waiTed theRe TEllinG joKe...beGinning iS fuN to us....buT whEn the TraiNIng beGin...iT becaMe a nitemaRe to mi...lolx.....haI...so sAd....afTer remembeR iT agaiN....wE 3 aRe seParaTe tO dIFFeRenT arEas.....aloNe wiTH a TraIner.....i wEnt to biShan.....aT thE begINninG oF the tRip...i Found Out taT is a sAlEs pRomotoR again....SO sIan.......hai....buT haLf way thE traIning...YonG caLL mi If i waN to leaVe anOt....i thINk foR a wHIle aNd i reaLLy caRe foR mY freN anD doN't feeL to abdandon hIM beHind...i sTaY foR the tRaininG...MY traIner toLD mI to sELL abIT on My own....i SeLL 5 sEt.....iN mY traINinG sessIOn...i feLt hapPY......alreaDY 6 plUS.....wEnT baCk tO the oFFice....mY traiNer KEp lOOkiNG for mY fren...foR mi....rEacHIng thE oFFice....i wenT OFF mY oWn anD waiTed fOR my freN to reTurn fRm thE traINIng......i waIted fOr halF an hoUR....i caLled hIm...hE did nOT picK up...i caLL yoNg...to My sadNEss.....HE toLd mi taT zhOng havE lEft....i feLt doWn and angry taT tiMe.....jUSt tHInkinG foR myseLF....whILE i caRe fOR mY fren...bUT boTH lEft mI beHind....wiThout teLLinG....mi....whY...whY it Happen TO mi....thIs caLL freN....naH...i dUn beLieve iN frEn anYmore....except A few......Nite timE...i dId nOT go hOme straight....i weNt to LOOk foR oNe frEn...taT freN iS a gAL....i aND heR weRe playiNG aloNg and SellinG icE creaM...sHE chEer mi up...aND i feEL relaX afTer taT.....If u aRe reading...thanKx alOt...althougH i havE thankx heR taT nite i Sms her...lolx....buT thUrsday IS a baD day aND a Happy daY foR mi Too.......hai...lolx
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::::::::::[Raptor87 Wild Thoughts ]::::::::
1:20 PM
In tHe paST
duRing yEar 2003 dEc....iT was Our camP iN pulaU Ubin......jUSt can'T imagIned thE caMp tuRn ouT to bE....luCky fOR my fRen...taT hE wEnt oVersea......haI...fIrst day OF thE camP....dURing raIninG....nO choiCe havE to sqeeze InsidE a SmALL tenT...lolz....But u guEss Wat...waTer staRtiNG to droP In....lolz....buT Mys3lf & ah gOh & yONG anD miLson haVe to sUFfer....cycLe arOUnd Ubin iN a HeavY dOwnpoUR loOkinG foR chEckpoiNt....fUNniesT paRt is tAt mIlson FaLL iN the RaIn...lolz...PooR feLLow....aND scary ParT iS tHE story toLD by thE unclE livIng in Ubin fOr 20+ years....althOuGh iT WaS a 2 day camP buT it IS so hArd foR us.....nIte tiME...hAve to sqeeZe INto thE toilet aNd sLeep...lolz....FiRst tiMe le....in MY lifE....sLeep in The toilet....lolx....buT iS quITe fUN inside.....cookiNg nOOdlEs anD taKe caRe oF a sicK feLLow inSide...lolx.....buT luCky tIMe passEd by fasT...manY thiNgS hapPen in The toilet.....ghOSt werE seeN by MY freN...buT noT surE iF truth...InseCt werE sEEn dROpping Frm tHe ceIling onTo mY leg...lolx....mOrniNg tIme iN Ubin....wE paCked up...But The raIN coNtinUeD....We cYcLE baCK to Th3 Port.....canceLinG thE trIp anD weNT bacK hoMe safeTy...lolx....nTh haPPen duRing thE camp....buT is a LearninG leSSon for The whoLe gRoup oF u$...lolx.....
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::::::::::[Raptor87 Wild Thoughts ]::::::::
shadowy Hobbies
Listening music
shadowy figures
+WaN xIu+
+wAn pIn+
+wEe ChoNG+
+Zhen Xiu+
shadow links
Fantasy square
Fantasy insider
HiddEn sTreeT
DotA PorTaL
shadow counts
sitemeter, blog rater...
make some sense
best viewed in 1024 X 768 resolution. a brief history about the author pertaining to the theme of
shadow of transcendence. it came about in the wee hours of the early morning while being whisked away into
memories of the past etched deep within the mind. bittersweetness that tingled the tastebuds of her emotions and feelings,
the only way out for true liberation from this reality is what is behind the shadow of transcendence; suicide. the
taste of iron-rust blood coiled with the lingering bittersweetness is the only contemplation of which the simplicity of life
has to offer in exchange for the shadow of transcendence. made in the heavens through one creator, an angel borne to
serve man; fell from where it belonged to earth where its purity shadowed by boredom and nohing better to do.
enjoy what i make out of maturity and childish fantasies.